So Donald Rumsfeld is trying to get the country all panicked about the possibility of another terrorist attack. Nuclear power plants…water supplies…the Space Needle. Is it really an immediate threat…or could it be something other than a coincidence that he’s looking for a $48 billion increase in defense spending for the coming year? Really, does a picture of the Space Needle warrant this kind of action? And a threat to nuclear power plants that was deemed not credible previously is now a real threat? Methinks Donny has gotten used to largely unconditional support bred from fear…don’t let it stop now!
Author Archives: Aron
I have a morbid fascination with Los Angeles…a classic love/hate relationship. I haven’t even been there for any length of time, but the stereotypes both draw me in and push me away. The simple immensity of the metropolis, the ‘me’ culture, the throng of cars, the palm trees against the mountains against the smog. It’s a city not in denial about what it is. It’s not cute or quaint…it’s just there and if you can’t handle it, get out.
Hey! You lazy bastards! Get out there and find my geocache, already!
So…it’s seeming like a good time to expatriate. I think my destination of the moment would be Australia…a nice, friendly, out-of-the-way corner of the world. I speak the language, I like the people, and, hey, it’s even going into summer there!
What’s that you say? Where’s my patriotism? How could I leave the US in its time of greatest need? I guess I’m starting to give more credence to the theories of government conspiracy or complicity relating to our current war. Think of me what you will…
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